Sunday, May 08, 2005

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

12.15 pm and we`ve taken the nipper and the dog home, been to a football match and visited a garden centre that sells pets - so we had a look at the birds, fish and rodents. I've got to go to sunny Worthing later today to spend 3 days in an hotel on a Health & Safety training course.

Here's a workmate - who has obviously been training hard for the match!

The match was for Chrispin who died recently and we were raising funds for the Brighton Hospital Renal Unit. Chrispin was a student and had worked at McD`s before coming to work for us. It was a bit worrying that the McDonald's team were a lot thinner than ours!

For some more pics from the match - follow these links

(probably not very interesting unless you know the people....?)


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